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Seminar Paper: Leadership by Rev Dino Touthang

July 13th, 2010

INTRODUCTION: The paper is a compilation of various articles on Leadership (available on the web for free download) and will be used as a guide for the Session.
I.DEFINITION OF LEADERSHIP: There are many diverse definitions of leadership.
The Collins English Dictionary. leadership (n) a. The position or function of a leader. b. the period during which a person occupies the position of leader:
Peter Drucker : “The only definition of a leader is someone who has followers.”
John C Maxwell : “leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less.”
Lord Montgomery “Leadership is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose, and the character which inspires confidence.”
John R. Mott, , “A leader is one who knows the road, who can keep ahead, and who pulls others after him.”
From “The One-Minute Manager” — By Kenneth Blanchard
1. Challenges me to do my best.
2. Sets a good example.
3. Explains the reasons for instructions & procedures.
4. Helps me polish my thoughts before I present them to others.
5. Is objective about things.
6. Lets me make my own decisions.
7. Cares about me & how I’m doing.
8. Does not seek the limelight.
9. Won’t let me give up.
10. Gives personal guidance & direction, especially when I’m learning something new.
11. Is empathetic & understanding.
12. Is firm but fair.
13. Keeps a results orientation.
14. Makes me work out most of my own problems or tough situations, but supports me.
15. Lets me know where I stand.
16. Listens exceptionally well.
17. Doesn’t put words in my mouth.
18. Is easy to talk with.
19. Keeps the promises s/he makes.
20. Keeps me focused on the goals ahead.
21. Works as hard or harder than anyone else.
22. Is humble.
23. Is proud of those managers s/he has developed.
24. Gives credit where credit is due.
25. Never says “I told you so.”
26. Corrects my performance in private.
27. Never flaunts authority.
28. Is always straight-forward.
29. Gives at least a second chance.
30. Maintains an open door policy.
31. Uses language that is easy to understand.
32. Lets bygones be bygones.
33. Inspires loyalty.
34. Really wants to hear my ideas & acts on them.
35. Lets me set my own deadlines.
36. Celebrates successes.
37. Is open & honest.
38. Doesn’t hide bad news.
39. Gives me enough time to prepare for discussion.
40. Is enthusiastic.
41. Follows through.
42. Is patient.
43. Wants me to “stretch” my skills.
44. Gives me his/her full attention during discussions, & won’t be distracted.
45. Has a sense of humor.
46. Handles disagreements privately.
47. Reassures me.
48. Makes me feel confident.
49. Tells me the “whole story.”
50. Says “we” instead of “I”.
51. Makes hard work worth it.
52. Can communicate annoyance without running wild.
53. Is courageous.
54. Insists on training.
55. Is a stabilizing influence in a crisis.
56. Gets everyone involved.
57. Wants me to be successful.
58. Is optimistic.
59. Operates well under pressure, or in a rapidly changing environment.
60. Has a reputation for competence with his/her own peers.
61. Has a good understanding of the job.
62. Is tough & tender.
63. Believes we can do it.
64. Sets attainable milestones.
65. Communicates philosophy & values.
66. Is perceptive; doesn’t believe that everything needs to be spelled out.
67. Has a strong sense of urgency.
68. Preserves the individuality of his/her team members.
69. Thinks & operates at a level above that expected.
70. Wants to make the organization the best in the industry.
71. Is willing to act on intuition; believes feelings are facts.
72. Empowers us.
73. Is there when we need her/him.
74. Enjoys his/her job.
75. Likes to spend time with us.
1. Authoritarian: The Leader decides everything without consulting anyone.
2. Participative (Democratic): The leader decides everything after consulting the people who shall be responsible for the implementation of the decision.
3. Delegative (Laissez-Faire): Leader delegates his power to another person who decides everything on behalf of leader.
A good leader uses all three types of styles to provide leadership to his people. Yet some styles are more suitable in a particular time and situations.
- Humility in the use of authority and power entrusted to them
- Trustworthiness
- Willingness to lead out of leadership gifting and ability rather than from their leadership position
- A desire to encourage growth and development in others.
- Integrity to live out Christian principles consistently.
- Future vision is earthed in an understanding of God’s calling
- An active prayer life.
Biblical References:
- Jesus, Mark 10:42-45
- Paul, 1 Corinthians 2:1-4
- Peter, 1 Peter 5:2-3
In describing Christian leadership we need to recognise that it operates in two realms: the spiritual and the physical.
• Points of Commonality
1. Origin
Both natural leadership ability and spiritual leadership gifting originate in God.
2. Development
Both natural leadership ability and spiritual leadership gifting need development.
3. Recognition
Both natural leadership ability and spiritual leadership gifting need the recognition of others in order to be fully validated. One cannot lead unless there are people to be led, and a leader will, over time, naturally rise to the surface and be recognised as such.
• Points of Divergence
1. Source
While both natural leadership ability and spiritual leadership gifting originate in God, natural leadership does not depend on God. They are self confident, depending on their own ability. The Christian leader however, will be God confident, recognising the need for constant dependence upon Him.
2. Motive
Both natural leaders and spiritual leaders are driven by motive.The natural leader’s motives will be either self-centred or othercentred. Either they will use their ability for their own advancement or they will use it for the benefit of others. While the Christian leader will use their gifting for the benefit of others, their true motive is to benefit God and to advance His purposes.
3. Ambition
Inherent in natural leadership is the desire to lead. The natural leader will see the opportunity to lead and will naturally take the initiative necessary to get things done. They will enjoy the responsibility of leading others and will tend to guard their position of leadership against threat. The Christian leader is, however, content to not lead. They are available to God yet willing to be dispensable and to step aside if another should be appointed to succeed them.
Christian Leadership is essentially servant leadership
1. Servant Leadership is not Self-Centred
The servant leader is not preoccupied with what they gain from leadership. They are not interested in status – they are happy to see others promoted ahead of them. Neither are they concerned with comfort – they willingly undergo hardship and suffering.
- Matthew 20:20-28
2. Servant Leadership is Other-Centred
The servant leader willingly humbles themselves in order to meet the needs of others. They are not too important or dignified to undertake even the lowest of tasks and they do so with no thought of personal gain. – John 13:3-16
3. Servant Leadership is God Honouring
The servant leader follows the example of Jesus and gladly relinquishes status and power for the benefit of others. They do not hang on to leadership because they know it is not a privilege to be contested, but an honour to be conferred.- Philippians 3:3-11
What is Christian leadership? What should a Christian leader be like? There is no finer example for Christian leadership than our Lord Jesus Christ. He declared, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). It is within this verse that we see the perfect description of a Christian leader. He is one who acts as a shepherd to those “sheep” in his care. The shepherd is one who has several roles in regard to his sheep. He leads, feeds, nurtures, comforts, corrects and protects. The shepherd of the Lord’s flock leads by modeling godliness and righteousness in his own life and encouraging others to follow his example. Of course, our ultimate example—and the One we should follow—is Christ Himself.

CONCLUSION: Group activity to reinforce the learning from the session

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